SANGOMA - A European project providing new developments in data assimilation for future operational forecasting and monitoring systems
SANGOMA will provide new developments in data assimilation to ensure that future operational systems make use of state-of-the-art data-assimilation and related analysis tools.
We are a European network of expert teams in advanced data assimilation. In the project we will extend existing modular data assimilation systems that have high flexibility
in type of ocean model and assimilation method. Following specific design rules, new modules can be used in different modular systems.
The systems will allow for efficient operational testing of the latest data assimilation methods, and quick comparison of assimilation methods for operational use.
Furthermore, we will develop and implement modules that objectively determine the impact of existing and new observation types.
The developments of SANGOMA will also serve costumers of MyOcean products, which is the first European project dedicated to the implementation of the GMES Marine Core Service for ocean monitoring and forecasting. For this purpose, we will concentrate on data-assimilation methods that deliver probabilistic information on the products. To this end, existing ensemble methods will be included and new methods that allow for nonlinear and non-Gaussian systems will be developed.
This dedicated web portal will allow access to validated products, including documented performances on a variety of test cases. Consolidated versions will be made available to the science community and Marine Forecasting Centres with indications on best practise implementation. Workshops and summerschools on advanced assimilation methods and modular systems will ensure fast and efficient training to next generation oceanographers, ensuring world-leading operational oceanographic products for costumers and decision makers.