Large case benchmarks: North-Atlantic 1/4° NEMO/LOBSTER configuration

The large case benchmark is based on a realistic configuration of the NEMO ocean model, for the North Atlantic Ocean, at a 1/4° resolution (Barnier et al, 2006), and including an ecosystem model component (Ourmières et al., 2009), figuring the operational MyOcean systems. This model was selected because it has been used in numerous assimilation studies before (Ourmières et al., 2009, Béal et al, 2010) and because it is based on the NEMO ocean model which is used by most MyOcean Monitoring and Forecasting Centres. This implementation will be used for selected simulations to assess new techniques with real data.

Download the NEMO model

Prepare the NATL025 configuration

Compile the NATL025 configuration

Run the NATL025 configuration
